
Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Past 6 Months.

I know what you are going to say... My Melissa why did take you 6 months to post on your blog? Well friends sometimes that is just the way it goes! Anyways, many wonderful things have been going on here at the farm...
We learned how to dress ourselves!
Got Worms? We do!
We had some goat love!
We renovated the smokehouse.

Smokehouse renovation = My new greenhouse! Its there in the back. Note to self, take more greenhouse photos!
We had some turkey love!

We anticipated the arrival of baby goats daily!
Then they babies made their way here!
The chickens had baby chicks!

Turkey love = Baby Turkeys!

Landon graduated Kindergarten, with a reading medal!
The baby goats are growing fast!

Our turkeys just keep on growing too!

We are growing mums again!

I  <3  fresh peas and green beans!

Cedar says hello as well!
So you see friends we have been here all along! 

1 comment:

  1. I love the photos of your family farm and all the love happening there! Yes, I find the more I live life in the moment with my loved ones, the less time I make to publicly share how awesome the journey is. Thank you for sharing your journey. May your family be healthy and joyous this day and always. xoxo
