We learned how to dress ourselves! |
Got Worms? We do! |
We had some goat love! |
We renovated the smokehouse. |
Smokehouse renovation = My new greenhouse! Its there in the back. Note to self, take more greenhouse photos! |
We had some turkey love! |
We anticipated the arrival of baby goats daily! |
Then they babies made their way here! |
The chickens had baby chicks! |
Turkey love = Baby Turkeys! |
Landon graduated Kindergarten, with a reading medal! |
The baby goats are growing fast! |
Our turkeys just keep on growing too! |
We are growing mums again! |
I <3 fresh peas and green beans! |
Cedar says hello as well! |
I love the photos of your family farm and all the love happening there! Yes, I find the more I live life in the moment with my loved ones, the less time I make to publicly share how awesome the journey is. Thank you for sharing your journey. May your family be healthy and joyous this day and always. xoxo